
  • Joined the deceptions after he witnessed a battle that killed his mother and younger sibling. Blaming the Autobots he fell down the Decepticon propaganda rabbit hole.

  • Chaos was a Recon Squad Leader. Members of his squad were his Best friend/rival Zero (original character with a car alt-mode. Not sure what kind though) Other Members of his Squad are Redwing, Hotlink and a 3rd seeker. I wanted to use some established lesser characters to connect to the larger universe.

  • After failing on a reccon mission the squad is attacked and repermanded by a highly agitated and angry Megatron.

  • Chaos leaves the Nemesis and returns to Cyberton

  • Returns to his home sector to find it in shambles.

  • Chaos hasn’t been back in years. Still believing Megatron’s lies that Cybertron was in good condition under Decepticon rule.

Revelation of the Truth

  • Chaos returns home to find his farther is still there barely functioning.

  • His farther is being takenn care of by Family pet/minibot (really wanted to have a wolf like bot that the faarther had saved in his youth to be like a loyal family protector)

  • Chaos questions why he is still here in this run down hole. the farther tells him he knew chaos would come back one day and that he needed to know the truth.

  • The farther passes the last of his spark to Chaos allowing all of his memories and that of his mother and sibling to also pass to him

  • hundred of years earlier chaos’s farther was a gladiator at the same time as Megatron. Megatron was the king of the pits. Chaos farther studied megatron. Knew and understood his every move in combat. but knew he'd never beat him with out a way to counteract megatrons Ion Canon.

  • chaos's farther also worked in the mines.

  • he was a purpose built Transformer. built with a stron sturdy body meant for excavation and collection of materials to continue the prefab transformers process.

  • one day he came across what his farther could only comprehend as a part of cybertron’s central structure. there was a section that he was able to remove almost like the planet wanted him to have it.

  • this material was resistant to megatrons ion cannon

  • chaos's farther fashioned it into a shield and sword to use against megatron

  • in there battle chaos's farther using every bit of knowledge he had gathered on megatron was able to disable megatrons ion canon and defeat him.

  • instead of killing him he showed mercy all chaos's farther wanted was to get out of the pits and achieve a better life.

  • he is granted this request

  • megatron in a fit of rage attacks and disables chaos's farther but he is still able to leave and start a new life

  • he eventually meets chaos's mother

  • this ultimately leads to the day in the park when the battle between the autobots and deceptions happens

  • but chaos now sees what really happened that day

  • megatron had turned his canon on the innocent population to distract the autobots

  • Transformation

  • when chaos absorbed the last of his farther spark it changes him physically (Think matrix transformation but noy as drastic)

  • chaos finds his farther’s sword and shield and when he picks them up they intergrate into his body

  • chaos heads back to the space bridge. fighting generic deceptions along the way. (ones he remembers from the memories of the park massicre

  • once back on the nemesis he fights Zero and defeats him....but shows Him Mercy

  • after this he heads stright to megatron and a epic fight ensues with megatron taking it seriously when he realizes the moves that are being used on him and what that means.

  • Chaos uses the same moves on megatron that won his farther the fight and just as he is about to deliver the killing blow that his farther choose not to chaos is blasted from behind by Zero.

  • by this time the rest of chaos's squad had arrived

  • distracted by Zero Megatron fires at Chaos but Redwing saves chaos taking a large blast instead

  • Chaos runs escapes to the squads shuttle and escapes.